In AYSO, we want all players, coaches, families and volunteers to have fun. That’s where Kids Zone comes in. Kids Zone is a program that encourages fans on the sidelines, and anyone else near the play, to use positive language, show sportsmanship in their attitude and behavior, and create a great experience for every player. It’s a reminder that the soccer fields are a kid’s zone – a friendly, happy, wholesome place for children to play.
Regions that participate in the Kids Zone program typically place buttons and posters near the fields as helpful reminders that no matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Then there’s the Kids Zone Pledge – parents and spectators are asked to sign the pledge and agree to the following guidelines:
1. Kids are No. 1.
2. Fun, not winning is everything.
3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
4. No yelling in anger.
5. Respect the volunteer referees.
6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
8. No weapons.
9. Leave no trash behind.
10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.
When it comes down to it, Kids Zone is about supporting every child on the field - even those on the opposing team. It means supporting the players whether they win or lose. It means honoring the game – not the outcome of the game. Remember, respect starts with you!
By being present on an AYSO Field at a Practice, Game or Event, all individuals agree to abide by the:
AYSO Region 83 Kids Zone Parent/Spectator Pledge
1. I pledge to be on time or early when bringing my child to his/her practices and games. I understand that it may be uncomfortable for my child to be late to a game or practice and that he/she is subject to physical risk if not provided with adequate time to warm up. I understand that I am encouraged to stay during practices and games, but if I do not, I will be there when he/she is finished. Being punctual shows respect for the coach, who has other time commitments, and it tells my child that he/she is my top priority.
2. I understand that the top three reasons kids play sports are to have fun, make new friends and learn new skills. I understand that the game is for the kids, and I will encourage my child to have fun and keep sport in its proper perspective. I understand that athletes do their best when they are emotionally healthy, so I will be positive and supportive.
3. I will redefine what it is to be a “Winner” in my conversations with my child. Winners are people who make the maximum effort, continue to learn and improve, and do not let mistakes, or fear of making mistakes, discourage them. I understand that mistakes are an inevitable part of any game and that people learn from their mistakes. I understand that all children are born with different abilities and that the true measure of success is not how my child compares to others, but how he/she is doing in comparison to his/her best self.
4. I will “Honor the Game.” I understand the importance of setting a good example of sportsmanship for my child. I will show respect for all involved in the game including coaches, players, opponents, opposing fans, and referees. I understand that officials, coaches, and players make mistakes. If the referee makes a call I do not agree with, I will refrain from questioning, insulting or making personal attacks against him or her.
5. I understand that games can be exciting for my child as he/she deals with the fast-paced action of the game, responds to opponents, referees, teammates, and listens to coaches. I will not yell out instructions. During the game, I will make only sportsmanlike comments that encourage my child and other players on both teams.
6. I will not make negative comments about the game, coaches, referees or teammates in my child's presence. This sets a bad example, which can negatively influence my child's motivation and overall experience. I agree to act in a sportsmanlike manner and make every effort to foster a friendly and nonviolent atmosphere.
7. I understand that Region 83 has a "NO PET POLICY" and I am restricted from bringing any pet to any AYSO Region 83 event (i.e.
practice, games, pictures, etc.) no matter how small or large the pet may be.

I agree to honor the AYSO Parent Pledge in my words and actions. I also agree that I am pledging the support of Kids Zone standards by anyone who comes to an AYSO event at my invitation.
AYSO Kids Zone Pledge Modified for Region 83